Friday, October 5, 2007

Friday' Feast
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you look forward to your birthday?

9 or 10. I use it as an excuse to take a week off from work. Fun fun fun. :)

What is one word you don’t like the sound, spelling, or meaning of?

The F bomb. I don't like the sound, or it's use in language.

Do you wear sunglasses when you’re outside? If so, what does your current pair look like?

I haven't worn sunglasses in over a decade. I don't remember what the last pair looked like.

Main Course
If you were to write a book, to whom would you dedicate it?

To the Wife for putting up with me for writing it. To the guys at Hero games who published my first professional article. To Stephen R Donaldson, who gave me a desire to write.

Name a beverage that you enjoy.

Orange Gatorade. My favorite non-water beverage (Water is still my favorite)

Top 5 on Friday:

Top 5 cover songs that are better then the originals
1) All along the Watchtower - Hendrix.
Heck I could do an entire list of Dylan songs, because while he was a great songwriter he sucked as a performer.
2) Baby one more time - Ahmet and Dweezl Zappa.
I like the song, and it is't Britney performing it.
3) Sweet Emotion - Tommy Shaw and Jack Blades.
Granted it isn't hard to do better than Aerosmith, but these guys keep the hard rockin, and do a much better job on the vocals.
4) Sleeping on the sidewalk - Los Lobos
It is difficult to actually mention the Queen cover here, but these guys take the song, and really go with it. They keep the theme and message the same but really make it their own.
which brings us to
5) Elenor Rigby by Godhead.
Who would have thought an industrial cover of a Beatles song would be better than the original (which I love), but here you go. The instrumentation screams "alone" and "Distant" which is a perfect match for the themes of the song.


Top 5 Beatles or Beatles-related covers
(Knowing full well that these can never be better than the original)
1) Elenor Rigby - Godhead
See the above.
2) Across the Universe - Lana Lane.
I like, but don't love the original. I love Lana's approach and style on it.
3) Come Together - Micheal Jackson
Another one where I only sorta like the original,
but love the cover.

4) Taxman - Stevie Ray Vaughn
A very different take on the song, and I just love his guitar work on it.
5) Helter Skelter - Pat Benatar
Just really like this cover (And the Crue's one too)
And no list of Beatles covers can be complete without listing
extra) Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - William Shatner.
Just becauase.


Mitchypoo said...

Great feast!

Anonymous said...

Don't like Gatorade but my hubby does. Great feast this week.

Anonymous said...

Definitely agree with the Dylan statement. So many well-written songs, yet it's hard to listen to more than five in a row by him! :-P

I've never heard the Shaw/Blades version of "Sweet Emotion." Will have to check it out. Their Influence CD they put out earlier this year is the best covers CD I've ever heard.

aaronsmusic said...

Shatner on Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - I had forgotten about that!

Great feast too!

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Tee hee at the Shat cover. I actually had that CD for a time.