Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Take Me Back...

Rush is great. Rush is awesome. Rush. Rush. Rush.

Okay, now that that is out of my system.....

Take me back Tuesday:

Back in the day before the internet ruled the earth and people went to malls etc...
What was your favorite record store?

Toad Tape. They eventually had 3 stores, but when I went there all the time, they had one, and it was the best record store around. Back when I was about 15 or so, I got $100 for my birthday, and spend the entire thing there, and they gave me 10% off, which I then just used to buy more albums. That was when I first got Return to Forever: Romantic Warrior

Are there any non-chain stores that you still frequent for your music needs?
Not a national chain, but a local- they have 2 or 3 stores: Graywhale. I have discovered some great stuff there: Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Pelican, Songs:Ohia among others.
What was your favorite "find" at your favorite store?
I had fallen behind on getting my Todd Snyder CDs, and was browsing at Graywhale, and found the last 2 CDs used. Nice stuff.


The Mistress of the Dark said...

You went to a concert? YAY! I miss having a good local chain. We don't even have those anymore :(

aaronsmusic said...

You got to see Rush? I'm jealous!