Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Heroes in HERO system.

I posted this to some messageboards, but had to share here. :)
It is the fight from the season finale of Heroes as if it were a champions game.

Phase 12 -
Okay - DL's out fo the fight, so I'm going to let his player run Sylar.

Syler: I TK punch Bennet. I hit, and pretty decent knockback.
GM: Bennet hits the wall and drops his gun.
Post 12 recoveries
Phase 2:
Syler: I use base TK I have outside the multipower and the NND attack in the multipower as a grab and attack - it's the choke NND. I hit. Reads off damage.
Peter: Crap I'm stunned, I can't get out.
Phase 3:
Matt: I run out and shoot Syler.
Syler: I abort to my missle Reflection with that cool Neo stop and shot back SFX.
GM roll both of you.
Matt: I hit.
Syler: So did I - Matt you take all 5 shots.
Matt: Crap, I don't have any resistant defenses.
GM: You are stunned and out, and took a lot of body.
Phase 4:
Peter: I finally recover from being stunned.
Phase 6:
Syler: I'm going to rip up that parking meter with my TK and grab it, and Hit Peter.
Peter: That is what I get for being the one to take on the final badguy. *sigh*
Niki: I'll half move over and disarm Syler.
Phase 8:
Nikki: I hit syler.
Syler: I abort the rest of my action to get my invisible TK forcefield up.
Nikk: I critted. Max damage.
GM: Syler- You are stunned, but not out. Good thing you put up your field.
Peter: I switch my pool to mimic Nikki's superstregth. And say some speech about going to be with her family. Then, because Syler is stunned and his DCV sucks, I sweep, hit him 3 times - so a -6 OCV, 1/2 DCV. I hit. Crappy damage rolls though.
Phase 10:
Peter: Now let me roll for my side effects when I get a new power... oh crap they went off, and badly. I'm gonna blow up.
Syler: I recover from being stunned.
Hiro: I port in and charge Sylar:
Syler: I abort to...
GM: You can't you acted this phase, recovering.
Syler: Crap.
Hiro: I hit.
Syler: Crap again, and I was stunned to my shield went down.
GM: Yep.
Hiro: Ohh good roll.
GM: Sylar, you are stunned and unconcious, but just barely.
Phase 12:
Peter: Oh crap, oh crap
Hiro: I just stand there, being impressed that I finally got to use my sword.
GM: Syler- you recover from being stunned. Post Twelves everone. Syler you wave up and have 2 stun and 2 end.
Sylar: I Tk that guy that hit me with the sword.
That takes a lot of end, so you use your end, and take some stun from the End loss, and it knocks you out again.
Hiro: Crap I teleport, and my side effects went off. I don't know where I'm gonna land.....

1 comment:

dilliwag said...

hehehe. Well played!