Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Take Me Back Tuesdays - on sharing music

What is your favorite way to share music with your friends?
I'll burn a mix CD, or some MP3s.

What song or album do you feel the need to share with anyone who will listen?
A number of them - Americano by Roger Clyne, and a collection of Rocket Scientists and Lana Lane songs as a mix. Bands that I like, that don't have much promotion.

Do you ever lend your CDs/tapes/etc to friends or family?
Sure. These days, as my music is all mp3s, I just burn one as a loaner.

Did you ever discover a musical love because someone shared something with you? (mp3? Mix CD or tape)
Yeah. I really got into yes, because of Mike getting me hooked on them. I knew the radio stuff, but not much else. Same thing, same source, for classical - he really helped me appreciate it. Same Source, Cross Canadian Ragweed, and a number of other alt country bands. He and I have really shared a lot of music with each other over the years.

1 comment:

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Speaking of Yes, you've reminded me I need to get a copy of Big Generator on CD. My old copy died a sad death.

Thanks for playing....