Sunday, June 17, 2007

I hate Father's Day

Give this post, today's shouldn't come as any surprise.

My father was an alcoholic. I grew up in a subtly abusive home- verbally abusive, and there was physical abuse, but it wasn't fists, but more subtle things. My father committed suicide, mostly due to complications of alcoholism (advanced stages of cirrosis).
I never liked him, and never really loved him. I never in my entire life knew him sober. He drank a 5th of vodka a day for as long as I could remember.

So father images don't really bring to mind good things to me.

Add to the fact that I want children, but we have some medical complications that may prevent that, so the concept of me being called father seem rather remote.

So yeah, all in all, I hate fathers day. I don't even go to church today, because if I hear "Happy Father's Day!" in a bright and cheerful voice too many times,I may want to hit something. Best to stay at home, and avoid the problem.

Can we move on to the next holiday please?

1 comment:

Mal Kiely [Lancelots Pram] said...

I hear and appreciate your angst when it comes to "Father's Day". [hugs]
Tho spend a second thinking of people like myself who are 'divorced dads'. My ex-wife got pregnant with someone else, divorced me and married him. My three sons live with them. As such, my fathering role has, in many ways, been usurped. I love, cherish and adore my children, and it's being made very difficulyt for me to spend quality time with my own kids.
Sorry... I crap on... [blushes]
Hang in there... better days are coming :)
Mal :)