Monday, July 30, 2007


Take me back Tuesday from the Music Memiors

Are there any bands that you like now that you didn't like when you first heard them?
R.E.M. is a big one. Yes - I sorta liked them, but really enjoy them now.
I'm still waiting for that to happen with Elvis Costello and U2. I only like 4 or 5 songs from either one, and keep trying to grok why people love those bands, maybe someday I'll understand (sorry bout that Music Mistress).

What bands that don't record anymore do you miss the most?
Queen, obviously.
Ebn-Ozn - I'd have loved to hear more from them.
Devo - Devo 2.0 is okay, but not like the original.
Damn Yankees - I love Shaw/Blades, but wouldn't mind hearing more stuff with Ted.
Brian May (it has been years since his last album).

Did you ever buy an album by an artist you didn't necessarily like but because everyone else had a copy, you had to as well. If so, what was it.
Thriller. Then I ended up really liking everything on it, and became something of a Mike Jackson fan.


Bunny said...

OMG - someone else who likes Damn Yankees!! Jack Blades and Tommy Shaw - mmmm. 2 parts of a dream threesome.

But Queen is the ultimate no-longer-recording-but-God-I-wish-they-were act. Ultimate.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

~shakes head~ how can you not like EC? Actually his voice is an acquired thing. My love for him actually took about 15 years in coming.

BTW...Thriller made my list on the last question...only I can stand the man's music...I think there was a Macca song on that one that was probably the reason why I ended up owning it.