My primary hard drive crashed yesterday. Screwed up boot sector. It's in the shop, hopefully they can image out the data, I'll know Fri or Sat.
I've been planning to get a new computer, but the time hasn't been right. Fate forced my hand, so I went over what to get for a computer when I dropped it off to get fixed. This is what I decided on:
3500 Athlong 64 (roughly a 2.3 or 2.4 Ghz micro), 1 gig of ddr2 memory, 250 GB HD (16 MB cache), a Geoforce 7300 256 GB PCIE video card, plus out of my old computer - the largest HD (160 GB) my CD burner, and another USB card (so I'll have something like 7 USB slots).
Total cost, built and with op system* installed: 650. More than we want to spend now, but we figure it is better to get what I was planning on buying now, rather than a quick repair and a new one later.
Odd notes -
It is very strange being mostly computerless. This is being done in the work miniMac thatI have - it can do browsing, and the stuff I need for work, but not much else.
I felt like a pet died when the computer went down. That says something, not sure what.
Since I do use the computer for business, I'm thinking about saving the reciept and declaring it on taxes.
The machine I am getting can actually run Oblivion. Not at recomended #s, but is can run it (The processor is about a third of the way from "required" to "recomended", I have the memory, and the card is only a step below recomended). Given I love Morrowind, I just may get this one. :)
* Win XP Home SP2. I was enjoying Ubuntu, and was seriously thinking about switching, but when push came to shove, it just can't do the games I like to play, so as I am a video gamer, in addition to everything else, I'm sticking with XP. No Vista though - no way no how.
So I had some back luck - at least I didn't try to burn my kitchen down.
1 comment:
Oh, now that's just mean.
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